Restructuring of the Procedures and Regulations of Financial Administration

The Hungarian State Treasury with the support of the Ministry of National Economy launches an independent program in the framework of the State Reform Operational Program, with the main aim of increasing efficiency and to develop external service capacity.

With the implementation of the key project the screening of decisively significant operational and administrative procedures in the realm of national financial administration will be performed and as a result according to the findings organizational action plans and regulations will be prepared which will enable the Treasury to fulfill its public tasks in an economic, efficient and customer friendly way. In harmony with the Magyary Program the aim of the comprehensive organizational development is to reduce administrative burdens and simplification.

The 1136/2011. (V.3.) Gov. decision defining the 2011-2013 action plans of the State Reform Operational Program (SROP) identified the project as a key project. The National Development Agency (NDA) upon empowerment from the action plans issued the "Detailed call and guide for the support of the "Restructuring of the Procedures and Regulations of Financial Administration" key project in the framework of the State Reform Operational Program (Code number: ÁROP-1.2.13.)" document (Guide) on 11th June 2012. The Hungarian State Treasury handed the tender documentation of the implementation of the prominent project on 12th June, 2012 to the VÁTI NKft., acting as Supporter.