Discount Treasury Bond

General information

Discount Treasury Bonds are non-interest bearing government securities with maturity of 3, 6 and 12 months, issued at a discount price which is lower than the face value, with the denomination of HUF 10,000. The face value is repaid on the redemption date in on sum. In the case of Discount Treasury Bond series put into circulation after 1 June  2019, the interest income from Discount Treasury Bonds is not considered income, so it is exempt from paying interest tax. The amount of yield is the difference between the face value and the purchase price.

Customers of the Discount Treasury Bond

Discount Treasury Bonds are available to resident and non-resident individuals, resident legal entities, and non-incorporated economic associations.

Mode of public offering

The Discount Treasury Bonds are placed on the market by auctions. The auctions of the Discount Treasury Bonds are announced by publishing Public Offering. The 3-month Discount Treasury Bond auctions are held every Tuesday, the 6-month maturity auctions on Wednesdays and the 12-month maturity auctions every second Thursday. The financial settlement is always on Wednesday on the week following the week of the respective auction.

For further terms and conditions of each series, please get informed from the Public Offer or the Information Memorandum for that series, which can be reached at in the tab of Current Public Offer.

Online sales, administration*

* To use the online sales services of the State Treasury, an electronic channel contract is required!