Other benefits

Benefit for elderly people providing long-term care

Who is entitled to the benefit for elderly people providing long-term care?

The benefit for elderly people providing long-term care is a social cash benefit to support a parent caring for a child who is permanently ill or seriously disabled, in addition to an old age pension. The establishment and payment of benefit for elderly people providing long-term care does not exclude the concurrent payment of a nursing fee or a child home care fee in addition to an old age pension.

A parent is entitle to the benefit for elderly persons providing long-term care who:

  • is a Hungarian citizen living in Hungary,
  •  is a citizen of Hungary who is receiving an old age pension,
  • has been caring for their child in their own household for at least 20 years before becoming entitled to an old age pension,
  • certifies that the child cared for was considered to be seriously disabled and permanently ill during the 20-year period of care, and
  • during the period of care in the home, they were engaged in gainful activities outside the home or in a gainful activity in the home for a maximum of 4 hours. a day

A parent who has not received a nursing fee for the purpose of caring for ther child is not entitled to the benefit.

What periods are considered as care periods?

In particular, the following periods are regarded as care periods for the purposes of determining entitlement to the benefit:

  • the period during which the parent is entitled to child home care fee (GYOD),
  • the duration of the payment of child home care allowance, child care allowance (GYES), nursing fee, increased nursing fee or priority nursing fee in respect of a child who is permanently ill or seriously disabled.

Receiving these benefits is not a condition for receiving the benefit.  Other proof that the child being cared for was seriously disabled or permanently ill and that the parent was engaged in gainful activities outside the home or in a gainful activity in the home for a maximum of 4 hours a day during the period of care at home can also be provided.

The 20-year period of care may include the period of care of several children, provided that these periods do not overlap.

How to apply for the benefit for elderly people providing long-term care?

You can apply for the benefit by filling in the form "Claim for benefit for elderly people providing long-term careat the government office of the capital or county acting as the pension insurance administration body in the place of residence.

The application may be submitted in person, by post or electronically.

It may be submitted in person at the customer service of the government office of the capital or county according to the place of residence or stay.

If it submitted by post, the envelope must be marked with name of the government office addressed and the uniform postal address of 1916 Budapest.

Persons with electronic identification can submit their claim electronically using the form "Claim for benefit for elderly people providing long-term care" available at www.magyarorszag.hu under "Nyugdíj" > "Ellátások igénylése".

The contact details of the government offices can be found online at www.kormanyhivatalok.hu.

What must be enclosed with the application for a benefit?

On the basis of the declaration made by the applicant on the form, the pension determination body will check and, if necessary, obtain information on the duration of the payment of the nursing fee, child home care fee, increased or higher nursing fee, child home care allowance, child care allowance, the period of work at home, the period of care for the child at home.

The application for the benefit may be accompanied by:

  • the decision establishing entitlement to the nursing fee,
  • a decision establishing entitlement to child home care fee,
  • a decision establishing the amount of the increased nursing fee or the special nursing fee,
  • a decision establishing the amount of the child home care allowance or child care allowance.
  • If the parent wishes to have a period of care recognised during which they did not receive the above benefits, they must enclose with the claim:
  • medical documents or other evidence of the child's permanent illness or serious disability,
  • other documents proving the care of the child in their own home.

How long will it take for the benefit to be granted?

The administrative time limit is 60 days.

The established pension will be paid by the Pension Payment Directorate of the Hungarian State Treasury within 10 workdays of the decision being issued.

When can the benefit be determined?

The earliest date on which the benefit can be granted is the date from which the old age pension is awarded.

The claim can be made retroactively for a maximum of six months. This means that the benefit can be awarded from the first day of the sixth month preceding the month in which the claim is made, provided that the conditions for entitlement to an old age pension and 20 years of care are met on that date.

What is the amount of the benefit?

The monthly amount of the benefit is HUF 50,000.

The benefit is also payable in full for the month in which entitlement is established.

What to do in case of disagreement with the decision?

No appeal may be lodged. If the decision is unlawful, a statement of claim can be lodged against the decision within 30 days to have it reviewed by the court with jurisdiction over the administrative college of the place of residence.

The letter of claim must be lodged, free of charge, with the pension insurance body which took the decision or sent by registered post. After electronic identification, the claim can also be filed electronically on the https://epapir.gov.hu interface. After entry, in the subject group "Jogorvoslat" the case type "Közigazgatási szerv határozatának bírósági felülvizsgálata iránti keresetlevél benyújtása" should be selected.

Payment of the benefit, obligation to notify

The benefit already granted is paid by the Pension Payment Directorate in the current month under the same reference number as the beneficiary's old age pension.

The benefit cannot be paid to a person living abroad and therefore any stay abroad exceeding 90 days must be notified to the Pension Payment Directorate within 15 days.