Payment of pensions
Related forms (3)
How does the payment of the benefit start?
The Pension Payment Directorate of the Hungarian State Treasury is responsible for the payment of pensions and benefits equivalent to pensions. The Pension Payment Directorate starts paying benefits within ten workdays of receiving the information from the pension determining body.
Benefits are always paid in the month in question. The benefits are paid monthly in HUF, starting at the earliest from the day on which they were determined until the day on which entitlement ceases (or is terminated), but, unless otherwise provided by law, until the last day of the calendar month in which the beneficiary's death occurred.
Benefits are paid by the Pension Payment Directorate under a pension registration number as an identification number. The Pension Payment Directorate issues a certificate to the beneficiary to prove the pension registration number when the payment of the benefit is initiated.
At the same time as the payment is started, the pension paying body sends the following documents to the person receiving the benefit:
- a certificate of the registration number of benefits paid,
- the "Travel voucher for beneficiaries" entitling the beneficiary to reduced travel, if they are entitled to it,
- a statement of the amount of the benefit already due and paid in one lump sum at the date of payment, together with any deductions,
- information on the notification obligations of the person receiving the benefit and the most important information.
How can benefits be paid to a person living in Hungary?
The method of payment must be decided by the beneficiary. They may choose either a cash payment or a transfer to a bank account.
The benefit is delivered in cash by post to the address provided by the beneficiary through Magyar Posta Zrt.
The transfer to a bank account may be made to a payment account (bank account) held with a domestic payment service provider designated by the beneficiary, over which the beneficiary or their legal representative has the right of disposal.
The orphan's allowance for a child placed or fostered on a temporary basis may be paid by transfer to a custodian's reserved deposit or payment account designated by the child's guardian or the person authorised by the guardianship authority to manage the child's assets.
During arrest or imprisonment, payments may be made to:
- an authorised representative with a valid power of attorney until revoked, or
- the beneficiary's payment account with a domestic payment service provider, or
- the penitentiary institution.
If the beneficiary has previously been paid the benefit by post and does not request payment of the benefit as listed above, the Pension Payment Directorate shall terminate the payment and, upon release, shall arrange for the payment of the amount due for the entire period of the pretrial detention and imprisonment.
The conditions for paying benefits to a beneficiary living or staying abroad can be found here: "Payment of benefits to beneficiaries living abroad".
When will the benefit for the month in question be paid if it is sent by post?
Benefits are paid in the month in question (e.g., the March pension is paid in March). The delivery of benefits is scheduled by Magyar Posta Zrt. during the month in question. Posta informs the person receiving the benefit of the delivery dates in the form of a Pension Payment Calendar, usually in November of the previous year.
When will the monthly benefit be credited to the bank account?
In 2025, if a transfer is made to a payment account with a domestic payment service provider, the benefit is credited on the following days. Please note that the dates are indicative!
10 January 2025 (Friday)
12 February 2025 (Wednesday)
12 March 2025 (Wednesday)
11 April 2025 (Friday)
12 May 2025 (Monday)
12 June 2025 (Thursday)
11 July 2025 (Friday)
12 August 2025 (Tuesday)
12 September 2025 (Friday)
10 October 2025 (Friday)
12 November 2025 (Wednesday)
2 December 2025 (Tuesday)
Certificates to be sent out annually
In January of each year, personalised information is sent to entitled clients for the month of January of the year in question and the total amount of benefits paid in the previous year. This information gives details of the amount of the benefit for the month of January plus any increases and deductions.
For those who receive a taxable benefit, a separate certificate is also sent by 31 January of the year in question for the purpose of filing a personal income tax return.
Persons in receipt of rehabilitation benefits receive a separate certificate by 31 January of the year in question for the amount of pension contributions deducted in the previous year.
How are benefits that have fallen due but have not been taken up paid?
Benefits that have fallen due but have not been taken up can be taken up to five years after they fall due. The beneficiary can request this from the pension paying body.
In the case of the death of the beneficiary, to whom can the benefits not taken up be paid?
The benefit is payable until the last day of the month in which the beneficiary's death occurred.
The spouse, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent and brother or sister living in the same household as the deceased person may take up the benefit to which the deceased person was entitled during their lifetime but which they did not take up, in that order, within 1 year of the date of death.
If there are no listed relatives living in the same household, the heirs may take up in equal proportion upon request within 1 year of the date on which the official legal decision of inheritance becomes final. The deceased's partner can request payment as heir simultaneously with the sending of a final probate order.
Notification obligation
The person receiving the benefit must notify any facts, data or circumstances affecting their entitlement to or payment of the benefit using the form "Notification, declaration, supplementation in pension insurance case" or "Notification of change of address, change of account number or change of transfer method for pension and pension-like benefits" or by e-administration.
At the customer service of the Pension Payment Directorate (1139 Budapest Váci road 73.).
Hungarian State Treasury Pension Payment Directorate