Registration of budgetary institutions

Budgetary institutions are legal entities created by entering in the records kept by the Hungarian State Treasury and terminated by removing from the register. The following entities have authority to establish a budgetary institution: the Parliament, the Government, heads of the chapters' supervisory organizations, local and local minority governments, the national minority government and public bodies. The establishment and dissolution of a budgetary institution has to be ordered by law, resolution or charter. The registry of the budgetary institution is authentic. The scope of public data to be registered on a mandatory basis is defined by legislation. The Treasury registers the foundation or dissolution and any changes in data within 15 days after receiving the request for registration.

Authentic copies of the budgetary organization registry, copy of their deed of foundation or their budgetary reports are available against a charge. For information please contact the Registry Management Unit of the Treasury

H-1054 Budapest, Hold str. 4.

Fax: +36-1-327 5393;
