What are the pension insurance administrative bodies?
Pension insurance administrative body
- the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest and County Government Office,
- the Pension Payment Directorate of the Hungarian State Treasury, and
- the Central Body of the Hungarian State Treasury.
The government office is the body with general scope of authority for pension determination. The competence of the Government Office covers the territory of the county in which it is located. In matters of pension insurance, the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest has competence over the territory of Budapest and Pest counties.
Clients may settle their pension insurance matters at the government office competent for their place of residence or stay.
As the pension determination body, the following matters fall within the competence of the government offices of the capital and the counties:
- old age pensions, women’s preferential pension,
- benefits prior to retirement age, transitional annuity for miners, life annuity for dance artists, Health impairment allowance for miners, invalidity annuity, accident annuity, Benefit for elderly people providing long-term care,
- widow(er)’s pension, orphan's allowance, parental pension if the deceased was not a pensioner,
- supplementary allowances for dependants under the law on the service conditions of professional staff of law enforcement agencies,
- increase of pension benefits on the grounds of equity, authorisation of non-recurring aid,
- managing the data in the pension insurance register, reconciling the data in the register and issuing extracts,
- concluding contracts for the acquisition of service period and pensionable income,
- ordering the repayment or reimbursement of benefits established (e.g. where the establishment or payment of benefits was made unlawfully or where reimbursement of benefits established is required by law),
- reduction, remission and payment discount of debts imposed by the pension insurance body.
Only the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest is competent to deal with a case if
- the client or, in the case of a survivor’s benefit, the deceased person also acquired service period abroad,
- the client lives abroad,
- the last insurance relationship of the applicant or the deceased insured person was with the Hungarian Armed Forces or the Military National Security Service, or
- the applicant or the deceased insured person was previously employed by a national security service.
In the case of a company, non-governmental organization (NGO) or law office employing an insured person, the government office of the registered office or site is competent:
- for notification of the place of custody of employment documents,
- issue of a certificate of compliance with the obligation to provide information.