Survivors benefits

The revival of the widow(er)’s pension


Entitlement to a widow(er)'s pension terminated on the grounds of marriage may be revived after the marriage has ended if the widow(er) has not received severance pays at the time of the marriage under the provisions in force before 1 January 1998 and would otherwise have been entitled to a widow(er)'s pension had the marriage not taken place.

In other cases, the widow(er)'s pension becomes payable after termination if the widow(er) reaches the retirement age applicable to them at the time of death, or becomes incapable of working or provide for the maintenance of children entitled to an orphan's allowance by right of the deceased.

Within how many years must the entitlement condition occur before the widow(er)'s pension is revived?

The revival period

  • 15 years from the date of termination of the widow(er)’s pension ceases if the spouse died before 1 March 1993,
  • 10 years from the date of termination of the widow(er)’s pension if the spouse died after 28 February 1993.

How to claim a reviving widow(er)’s pension?

The claim for a widow(er)’s pension to be revived can be submitted electronically on the website under Pensions > Claim for benefits menu point or by post or in person using the form "Claim for revival of the widow(er)'s pension, if the applicant was in receipt of a widow(er)'s pension".

What to attach to the application?

In the case of a claim for changed working capacity, if the Pension Payment Directorate does not have it, a medical statement from a rehabilitation expert body qualifying the health condition must be attached.

In the absence of this, the application must be accompanied by a referral letter containing summary information on the state of health, treatment necessary for the opinion on the change in working capacity and the medical documents which are not available for the medical expert body in the National eHealth Infrastructure (hereinafter EESZT).