The company named KINCSINFO Kincstári Informatikai Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (‘KINCSINFO Nonprofit Kft’) was established as a non-profit single-member private limited liability company with non-gainful activity by the Hungarian State Treasury in the name of the Hungarian State based on decision No 134/2012 of 26 March 2012 of the Board of Directors of Magyar Nemzeti Vagyonkezelő Zrt.

KINCSINFO Nonprofit Kft. was founded with the aim of ensuring that the established non-profit company, in accordance with the government's expectations, performs its activities in a cost-saving way and at a high professional level through the developments brought within the government sector, provides competitive knowledge and ‘service’ at an appropriate price level for the government and the Hungarian State Treasury, thereby facilitating the efficient performance of the tasks of the Treasury.

KINCSINFO Nonprofit Kft. takes part in the operation of the information technology infrastructure of the Hungarian State Treasury and the development of existing and new systems, subject to Section 6/B(1)–(2) of Government Decree No 311/2006 of 23 December 2006 on the Hungarian State Treasury.

The two organisations concluded a Cooperation Agreement for an indefinite period, with effect from 1 June 2012.

Basic details of KINCSINFO Nonprofit Kft.:

Registered office of the company: H-1054 Budapest, Hold u. 7.

Share capital of the company: HUF 53 852 000

Tax number of the company: 23930348-2-41

Business sites of the company:

H-1054 Budapest, Vadász utca 16.

H-1081 Budapest, Fiumei út 19/a.

H-1139 Budapest, Váci út 73-77.

H-1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 22-24.

The valid document entitled ‘Organisational and Operational Rules’ of KINCSINFO Nonprofit Kft. is available in the folder named Downloadable Documents.

In December 2017, KINCSINFO Nonprofit Kft. was entered in the register of adult education institutions, its registration number is: E-001714/2017. Information on our training is available in the Downloadable Documents folder.